Blockchain Babes

Founded and facilitated a global community supporting and educating women in blockchain.

Blockchain Babes started with a simple yet powerful question: where are all the women in Blockchain?

During a fateful meeting in Ubud, Bali, co-founders Patricia Parkinson and Anette Wilms discovered that they shared at least two things in common: a mutual passion for emerging blockchain technology and a frustration over the seeming lack of like-minded women who were equally interested and involved in the industry. Even more practically, a community that encouraged open discussions and knowledge sharing.

Fast forward a few weeks and Blockchain Babes was born – a community in which women could feel empowered and encouraged to do exactly that – explore and learn about blockchain's exciting potential, as well as its challenges, together.

At its peak, meetups expanded beyond the bounds of Bali and grew into a thriving global movement and online community.

Note – BCB focused on researching and dreaming into practical use cases and excluded dialogue about trading or generating profits.

What was Blockchain Babes?

Blockchain Babes was a global movement by women for women. Our aim was to learn with and from each other about emerging blockchain technology, which we believe will redefine how we interact and organise ourselves as a global society. Women have an equal opportunity and responsibility to shape their future by joining this conversation from the start.

Blockchain Babes offered a protected space for women to share their curiosity and knowledge with each other. There is no such thing as a ‘stupid question’ and we love a vibrant, open-minded and respectful discussion.

We nurtured a striving online community and hosted regular meetups in various international cities. During meeting we sometimes have subject specific speakers or we set a research assignment for participants to then share their findings - there are no hard and fast rules how to educate ourselves!

Blockchain Babes Mission

“ Women have an opportunity to shape the future of Blockchain. This transformational technology is redefining how we interact and organise ourselves as a global society.

The direction of this movement will be defined by the decision makers and thought leaders in the early days; being involved in this conversation matters.

Let's proactively build our confidence, capability and connectedness in the Blockchain revolution — seizing our opportunity to influence how it impacts our lives.”

Blockchain Babes Values

  • Beginner’s Mindset – Begin anywhere. Embracing spontaneous blockchain conversation or reading a short article each day will hugely impact your comprehension of the subject over time.

  • Culture of Questioning – There is no such thing as stupid questions - just stupid answers! We welcome all stages of knowledge and encourage curiosity as well as critical thinking.

  • Start a Conversation – Dedicate yourself to making information about blockchain accessible and digestible. Create spaces to discuss different viewpoints openly, respectfully and collaboratively without judgement or agenda

  • Seek Understanding – Honour your opportunity to actively educate yourself. Due diligence will be key to building awareness, understanding and confidence.

  • See the Big Picture – We are in the early days of this transformational technology and no one knows where it will lead. Dive deep, explore the larger context and application of blockchain as a newfound perspective on how we interact and organise ourselves as a global society.

  • Get Involved – The blockchain industry holds countless opportunities for everyone – from participating in social communities, introducing blockchain into your personal life, finding the applications in your area(s) of expertise to building your own blockchain company.

  • Know your Power – Just like the internet at the end of the last century, Blockchain has the potential to fundamentally transform us as a society. We all can be active participants in this revolution, no matter our age, gender, skills, believes or personal choices.

Why the community was exclusive to women

There is significant research that indicates women learn better and develop more confidence in their own abilities when operating in an all female environment. The current percentage of women involved in blockchain is under 10%, partly because women feel discouraged by the ‘bro-culture’ that is present and can feel intimidating. We believe, having a protected space where women can ask the ‘stupid questions’ and engage in a conversation, rather than a knowledge competition, is what it takes to inspire those women who previously thought ‘blockchain is just not for them’.

What I loved about this project

  • At its peak, the community grew to >300 women and 9 city hubs

  • Having the chance to support and shape so many women’s journeys early in their exposure (we used to refer to it as being the soft pillow to land on after the leap)

  • Learning from others in the community and forging relationships that continue today

Year : 2018 / Contributions : Co-Founder, Brand Design, Curriculum Creation, Facilitation, System Development / Collaborators : Anette Wilms (Co-Founder), Danielle Diamond (Director of Partnerships)


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