Luminary Society

Founded Luminary Society as a collective canvas: for participants to create art experiences, and for artists to curate communal spaces.

More literally, Luminary Society is a community and series of co-created immersive experiences. In 2020 I founded the society and designed / hosted the first chapter in Ubud, Bali. Since then I have designed and hosted two more experiences in British Columbia, Canada. I expect to host more over time, anywhere in the world community calls it in!

This is my main mode of artistic expression at present – it lights me up.

The following copy is sourced from another secret community that inspired our own; hard to improve upon perfection.

We believe that art and gatherings are a form of catharsis. We know that things will get weird. We create spaces for direct, experiential forms of artistic practice, and we encourage everyone who attends our events to develop their own path once they’re in the “container” of the space. Art can be subversive, and we like to play with silly themes and create strange new things. We want our artists and participants to establish, push, and respect boundaries.

Art is an infinite game. Play the game, or take the side quest. Be the side quest. Come up with a gimmick, a fantasy, embody a character, get weird with us in this participatory immersive art exploration.

Okay but what is “immersive” art?

Immersive art is the creation of a world around a person in a way that makes them feel part of and inside of it. Immersive art must create something that moves beyond the fourth wall (the space between an audience and performer), bringing viewers into the art and augmenting their reality. In immersive art, an audience no longer exists as passive onlookers. Viewers become “participants” and no two people experience exactly the same thing.

What I love about this project:

  • This is my play-space currently to develop models for participatory art and immersive theatre.

  • The aftermath, hearing about the personal transformation and creative activation people experienced during an event.

  • Emulating and learning from my favourite secret immersive art community in San Francisco, that shall remain unnamed.

  • Witnessing how people have been inspired to follow a path of experience design themselves after attending.

  • This is a not-for-profit exercise; all revenue is reinvested in event costs and artist grants.


  • Hosting a 16 person world-class dinner outside of Ubud, Bali in a historical estate

  • Hosting a 50 person fake conference, where attendees took their character development to the next level

  • Hosting an evening night market, where the threshold experience was a blindfolded sensory-overload obstacle course

Chapter 1 – Tri Hita Karana

Ubud Bali, March 2020

Exploring the veils of illusion within a narrative universe (honouring the relationship between Mama Bali and artists).

Invitation (part 1) – Sent to handpicked invitees

Invitation (part 2) – Viewed after invitees solved the puzzle.


  • “Thank you for inspiring me right from the first message about the Luminary Society. I enjoyed the curious clues and the intriguing feel of the whole curation. It was brave and bold and has given me lashings and lashings of brain food and some great connections. I felt a bit nervous at times, which I suppose is a good thing, and there were odd synchronicities which made me feel that the event was all the more special.”

  • “I’m just seeing this now and reflecting on the seed. It has definitely been planted inside of me. I felt like the evening was designed and delivered in the perfect way at the perfect time by the perfect people. I have been touched.”

  • “The event certainly left an impression on me as it's the first time I've experienced that combination of immersive art + deeper themes of self realisation + delicious degustation. It was so wonderful! I'm grateful to have experienced it.“

Chapter 2 – Genecon 2053

Salt Spring Island, April 2022

A satirical exploration of pandemic themes, as we re-emerged back into large group gatherings.


  • I feel incredibly humbled to be apart of such a beautiful event. Deeply grateful for all of you weirdos. Thank you so much to the organizers and offerers.✨That was truly something else.

  • Deeply grateful for the ferment, inoculant, emboldening, pungent co-creation of this evening. from the instigators curator maestros of sensorial stimuli to all the beings who let shine their fatuous Id from the depth of their underbellys. may this be a seed...

  • All I'm left with is this indescribable joy & awe for what was just experienced.

  • Sooooo blessed for all the juicy creative creatures that this community holds. There is such inspiration oozing expressions of creativity, silliness, and brilliance. So blessed for all of the hard work and magic I know sooo many people put in to making this event happen. I can’t wait to see what else births from this creation offering.

  • Woooowza.. Heart so full🤍 What magickal and miraculous creatures we have here on this specialist corner of the world, space and time!! Such a great blessing it is to co-create juicy mythical dimensions with all of you. Takes many brave hearts to weave offerings of intimacy, truth and love. Deep bow for all it takes to show up as we are. This feels like the beginning of something profound. Lovingly leaning in to see where this seed takes us! 🛸👽🤍🌱

  • Oooo ya, damn that was so fantabulously ridonqueluscious. Haven't laughed that hard is so long. Serious prop to the pulse and drive of Genecon; the one and only Patricia Parkinson. Dedication, understanding of all parts, and vision. ❤️ All the theatrics of the night were on point and so grateful for the effort of all players. Music makers 🤟

Chapter 3 – Night Bizarre

Salt Spring Island, June 2022

A fantastical night market, just on the other side of the nights bridge. Inspired by Neverwhere.


  • That was so much fun last night. Thank you I’m really inspired by the possibility of future events like this!

  • Patricia for president!!!! / I second the motion!!

Chapter 4 – Dor : A Threshold Festival

Salt Spring Island, 2023 (In development)

A gathering to share our harvest & reweave our myths

Year : 2020-2022 / Role: Founder + Experience Designer


La Tierra