Team Humanity

Designed a campaign concept for the film The Social Dilemma, to support mobilizing the audience into action post-film.

In advance of the launch of the film “The Social Dilemma,” the Center for Humane Technology (CHT) and Quaranteam approached Liminalia to co-create a landing page to collect email addresses of people who wish to participate in the technology reform movement.

Liminalia provided creative strategy, art, messaging and design for

Liminalia’s intention was to provide a series of messages and images that inspired visitors to join a movement for change. The stark contrast between black and white photography and rainbow highlights boldly illustrated the role of humanity in a tech- driven world.

With less than a week to execute a landing page, we worked alongside a coalition of passionate brand strategists and developers. We worked closely with our collaborators at Center for Humane Technology, Studio Ziro, Quaranteam and developers to weave together a campaign that encapsulated the film’s impactful narrative.

The final product was a website designed to reinforce the message of The Social Dilemma, while also offering a vision for hope and change.

Note: Co-founder of Liminalia and project lead

What I loved about this project:

  • Great collaborators!

  • Supporting a value-aligned mission; technology reform.

  • This happened only two months before the film’s release on Netflix, fun to ideate with CHT team at that potent moment

Client: Center for Humane Technology / Year : 2020 / Role: Project Lead / Collaborators: Kyle Gordon (Art Director), Anima LaVoy (Strategy, Messaging), Erica Blair (Strategy, Messaging), Danielle Diamond (Strategy Messaging)


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